Setting up a Naturalistic Kingsnake Enclosure

In this video I set up the 190 gallon (48x24x38”) plywood tank from the DIY build. If you haven’t seen that video, check out the link below.

DIY Plywood Reptile Enclosure (Large Version)

When creating this setup I really wanted to keep it functional, while also striving to create a natural aesthetic. That said I used a combination of live plants, common reptile supplies and ingenuity to create something which does exactly that. With all of this in mind there were some serious limitations at hand, most of which are discussed in the video itself.

I’m sure I will get comments about it, so I will make a brief mention on bioactivity. Typically when we think natural, we think bioactive. In my opinion bioactivity is not the best option for a 6.5 foot long snake. Not to say that it can’t be done, but it’s just not as advantageous for an animal of this size. So if you’re disappointed that I didn’t set this up as a bioactive enclosure, I will discuss more about that in the “Behind the Build” for this set of videos.

A final note that I will leave off on is that if you are new to reptiles and want to get a Kingsnake (my personal recommendation) you DO NOT need to make a set up this elaborate. Sure it looks nice and provides all of the necessary requirements for the well being of the snake, but it’s simply over the top. I have kept Dean for over 10 years in setups with fake plants, common supplies, etc. and he never acted strange due to the lack of natural elements. If you want to do something like this, by all means do it. Just know that it’s really not necessary unless you want something nice to look at other than the snake.

As stated above, I will upload a final video about this build shortly. There’s a lot that I didn’t discuss in the DIY build and this setup video that dictated a lot of went down. Anyways enjoy the video!

You can follow me on Instagram @serpadesign for project sneak peaks, updates and more content like this.

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