NO DIG GARDEN BED – Feeding the Microorganisms in the Soil

When we talk about the soil, we are talking about the living skin of our planet. Soil is the basis of life for everything.

To study Permaculture with Geoff Lawton, enroll for the 2022 Permaculture Design Certificate course here: and remember to write 2022WEEDYBEARD at checkout to save USD $100 couresy Weedy 🙂

Filmed, edited and created by David Trood
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The health of my garden depends on the health of this ecosystem, and because I eat what comes from the garden, it is becoming clearer to me, that the level of my well being is equal to the well being of the soil. I am connected to it in this way.

It is made of life, by life for life. It´s that story of composition and decomposition. The microscopic organisms I´m feeding will decompose all this organic matter, so that the plant can reuse these eliments it needs to re compose …to grow.

It is an intricate and important ecosystem that is just under my feet and surounds the roots in my vegetable garden and food forest, and I would prefer not to disturb it.

NO DIG. If I were to dig my garden bed and turn the soil every time I planted, I it would disturb the whole ecosystem that I have been nurturing to become established. The worm holes that help the soil breath, the mycelium network that connects everything underground. No. Turning the soil is just going to disrupt everything. More likely set it back.

Instead, I just feed it from the top, and let the animals find it…kinda like you would feed fish in a fish tank. Then nature takes over, pulling or washing those nutrients down as they are decomposing back into the soil.

When I feed my garden, it´s not the plants I´m feeding, it´s the ecosystem of microorganisms underneath them I am feeding.

Jeneric Alpaca Farm:

In this video, I refer to the following episodes of The weedy Garden:

How to Start a Raised Garden Bed :

How to Make a Worm Farm:

How to Make Compost in 21 Days:

How to Make Biochar:

What I did with 242 Pumpkins:

Have a look at The Flow Hive:
Get a $50 voucher from their shop by using one of these links, depending on what country you are in.
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Most of my trees I purchased from If you are living in Australia and are planning a food forest, then they sell online and deliver everywhere in Australia. Use the code WEEDYGARDEN to get 5% discount until 1/6/22

Music from
Wheelbarrow art by or

Last but definitely NOT least, I huge thankyou to my beautiful fiance Heather for her unconditional support and Love, and to Steve and Chrissy for giving Weedy room to grow on their property.

#no dig garden bed, #permaculture, #organic gardening, #how to garden, #growing your own food, #sustainable living, #off the grid, #grow food, #gardening, #gardening tips, #sustainability, #vegetable garden, #covid garden, #lockdown garden, #covid project, #lockdown project, #organic, #food forest, #orchid, #no dig garden, #no dig bed, #the soil food web, #soil, #earth, #soil microorganisms

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