Moringa oleifera from seed to tree

Moringa is easily propagated by seed.

A wide variety of different hybrid and non-hybrid seed are commercially available, this would include p k m 1 and p k m 2. Try to purchase seed from a reputable seed supplier and make sure the seed has a high germination rate. A good germination rate would be between 85 and 95% It is also important to purchase the correct seed for your specific production system and product you want to produce.

Seeds are carried in long hanging pods that range in length from 20cm up to 1m in certain varieties. Seeds are white, globular, 1cm in diameter, covered with a dark brown outer coat with 3 papery white wings or husks. Depending on seed size there should be between 2800 to 3200 seeds per kilogram.
Seed can be planted with the seed coat or the seed coat can be removed. We have found that removing the seed coat is very time consuming and a very delicate process, as the endosperm can easily be damaged. We have not found any significant improvement of germination by removing the seed coat.

We suggest planting the seed with the outer coat intact. It is beneficial to soak the seed for 12 – 24 hours in water. Remove the outer wing to ease handling of seed, especially for volume production.

Seed can be sown direct or indirect into container. Direct field seeding should only be considered under perfect growing conditions, or with the supplement of irrigation to insure seedling germination and survival.

Indirect seeding is normally done in trays, pots or bags. As moringa has a tuberous fast-growing tap root it is suggested that the seeds are planting in a deep container.

Moringa grow good in well drained soils. For a germination mix we use 40% coir, 40 % peat and 20% vermiculite. Sand can be added to improve drainage.

Fill your pot with the germination mix, press the soil down to remove excess air pockets, Plant your seed about 2 cm deep and cover. If your seed has a low germination rate, use two seeds to insure you have a seedling at the end. Place your pots in the greenhouse or lightly shaded area. If you place the pots in full sun light, make sure the pots do not dry out as this would impair germination or damage the seedling.

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