Guide to creating microclimates in your garden

In today’s video we talk about the 4 main ways to create microclimates in your garden. Each one of these can be delved into deeper – for example, there can be a drastic difference between morning, afternoon and evening sun. Gradients can be created where full shade transitions to full sun, and plants can find the perfect environment they want, using broad sowing techniques.

For now we’ll keep it general and teach the basics of how to adjust climates. Each of these tools can nudge a location slightly. You may be able to cheat a zone or two. You may be able to save plants from a winter death. Or you may just simple be rewarded with improved yields, or drastically reduce watering.

Each one of these will also have lingering effects, often those which build upon itself year upon year. Introducing native fast growing pioneers in a dry area can grow a forest upon a desert, in time.

These tools are ones that we will need to rebuild the earth.

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Moving to the country to start a new life. Young Family trades sodgrass for a horse farm over at Barn Boots and Country Roots:

For great recipes, cooking, storing, canning, and growing tips, check out Gardening in the North:

Music credits:

Epidemic sound:

Closer by Jay Someday |
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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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