Best Goats for Meat and profit

Welcome to Agriculture Academy, where we show you how to start a profitable business in agriculture.

Goats are a great animal that you should consider rearing on your small holding. Apart from the milk production of the does, goats can also be raised for their meat. While goat meat is not as popular as some other protein sources like beef and poultry, demand still outweighs supply, especially in the United States, so much so that goatโ€™s meat is regularly imported into the country. Therefore, you can potentially find a niche market depending on where you live. In this video, we are going to take a look at 5 goat breeds that can be reared for their meat.

Stay tuned until the end of this video and weโ€™ll give you your very own infographic that you can download!


Infographic: Best Goats for Meat

Free E-Book: 5 Steps to start a Profitable Plant Nursery


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Here are some books to get you started in your goat rearing journey:
๐Ÿ Beginner Goat Rearing Reference Book:
๐Ÿ Kidding on the Goat Farm:

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