Are We Disrupting the Natural Flows of Rivers and Streams?

Students of Geoff’s Online Permaculture Design Course have question-and-answer sessions where Geoff fields a number of questions every week and answers them via videos. This question was pulled from the 2021 collection. For more permaculture insights, check out Geoff’s free Masterclass


Are we disrupting the natural pattern and orders of streams by stopping water with ponds, swales, and earthworks? Does charging up these systems create benefits that outweigh potential disruptions or can we really ignore what is clearly interfering with the natural flow?

Key Takeaways

It’s a question of what we call natural flow. Swales are a tree-growing system that stops the water in its downward flow across the landscape, but that is probably not a natural flow as there would have once been an old-growth forest. At that point, water would have stopped, spread, and soaked into the roots.

Where “we” have disrupted natural patterns is with aggressive clearing. Water now runs off much more quickly, flowing (and flooding) from stream to creek to river and so on. What we, in permaculture, are doing by slowing and soaking is much more akin to natural patterns.
Remember: We aren’t doing this to established, natural ecosystems and quality regrowth forests, but to areas with destructive agriculture or development.

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About Geoff:

Geoff is a world-renowned permaculture consultant, designer, and teacher that has established demonstration sites that function as education centers in all the world’s major climates. Geoff has dedicated his life to spreading permaculture design across the globe and inspiring people to take care of the earth, each other, and to return the surplus.

About Permaculture:

Permaculture integrates land, resources, people, and the environment through mutually beneficial synergies – imitating the no waste, closed-loop systems seen in diverse natural systems. Permaculture applies holistic solutions that are applicable in rural and urban contexts and at any scale. It is a multidisciplinary toolbox including agriculture, water harvesting and hydrology, energy, natural building, forestry, waste management, animal systems, aquaculture, appropriate technology, economics, and community development.

#permaculture #nature #waterharvesting

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