I Accidentally Destroyed the 350 Gallon Paludarium

The saga of moving into the new place has finally come to an end and we’re going out with a bang… literally! I didn’t want to draw the process out this long, but one thing led to another and here we are. The entire process took much longer than expected. There were plenty of hiccups as well, but pretty much all the animals made it there safely, which is the important thing.

I meant to talk about it in the video, but my plan was and still is to rebuild the 350, but in a different way. I’ll have to get some replacement glass now since we dropped the back, but that’s alright. My plan for it is much different than before and I can’t wait to share that.

I can’t wait to show you all what’s next and I appreciate your patience as I worked through all of this. Enjoy the video!

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#paludarium #moving #serpadesign

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